ZetaChain 資助計畫旨在支持那些協助 ZetaChain 生態系發展的創新、去中心化企業。這項以階段性目標為基礎的資助將以可規模化、新穎的方式支持 dApp,讓非加密貨幣的原生內容轉為 web3 技術,並為更廣大的 ZetaChain 生態系創造價值。
Zellic is a blockchain security firm solving the most critical software assurance problems. Our audits prevent business-ending hacks.

At MetaTrust, our primary focus is on creating a secure infrastructure that caters to the needs of developers in the WEB 3.0 space. We offer an array of AI-Driven automation tools and security services to assist Web3 developers and project stakeholders in achieving a secure development environment.

Verilog Solutions
Verilog Solutions is a boutique security firm delivering full-stack security services for Web3 projects

Smart contract audits, KYC, on-chain monitoring, bug bounties, penetration testing.
Three Sigma
Smart Contract Audits and Development; Other development services (tooling, Account Abstraction, etc); Economic Auditing, Simulations and Stress Testing; Tokenomics and Mechanism Design.
Audits and Pen Testing. Code Audits for Smart Contracts and Blockchain Code. Penetration Testing. Cloud Audits. Cybersecurity Product Platform. Cybersecurity Concierge.
Halborn serves as a third-party partner to continuously assess an organization’s most vital assets, drive maximum value and provide world-class cybersecurity consulting and execution every step of the way — far beyond smart contracts.
With dozens of years experience and noted achievements in the area of vulnerability analysis, operating systems, and malware defense, PeckShield offers block chain and DeFi projects monitoring service, and provides security total solutions to all blockchain users.

Help prevent real-time security hacks/exploits and other systemic risks with automated detection and reaction capabilities (post deployment). We provide more then 200+ risks detection ranging from security to compliance, market risks and other that might be relevant for their protocol for an end-to-end risk monitoring and prevention. Create custom agents, which is a rich library of templates they can monitor any on-chain activity and customize conditions/thresholds and get alerted if these are met. Expose these alerts to their community and let their users gain personalized alerts

Chain Patrol
ChainPatrol is a Real-Time Security Platform We protect Web3 communities with brand monitoring and reporting to block phishing attacks within minutes. The Security Services we can offer builders: 📚 Historical Protection of Malicious URLs Targeting Your Brand 🎯 Auto-Detection Systems to Report Malicious URLs Actively 🦾 Domain Takedowns, Reports to Hosting Providers 🌐 Browser Takedown Reports to Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, FireFox 🐦 Twitter Content Takedowns and Reports
- 1. 篩選:在選擇過程中,申請人將參加初選會議,會議中您必須提出專案企劃書的概觀,包含目標、方法、預算、時間表和影響力。
- 2. 面試:通過初選的申請人將在評審第二階段受邀接受我們補助委員會的面試。您可趁面試的機會,提出專案企劃書的更詳細概觀,並回應面試中可能出現的任何深入問題。
- 3. 核准:順利通過面試並獲准補助資金後,您必須簽署補助同意書,內容陳述資金的的條款與條件。同意書可能包含預先制定的里程碑或成果,您必須先達成,補助才會撥款。這些里程碑可確保專案進度按計劃進行,並達成預期目標。
- 4. 補助撥款:隨著專案的進行,您將必須向補助團隊同步報告,並在達成預先同意的里程碑時更新進度。補助撥款的依據為各項里程碑的完成與否,或個別補助同意項目所列事項。
- 在 ZetaChain 的 Testnet 和 Mainnet 的 zEVM 和/或利用 ZetaChain 的通用訊息傳送部署智能合約。學習 如何建立您的第一個 zEVM 智慧合約。所有相關的合約部署地址都應公開發表。這些智慧合約的所有程式碼都應為開放原始碼。
- 無論是想要運用或轉移至 ZetaChain 的現有專案,或仍在發想或開發階段的新專案,皆有資格。
- 補助申請人必須為合法實體或個人,並且同意 ZetaChain 的使用條款。
- 補助必須用於助長 web3 的開發、流動、採用和/或認知度。
- 補助申請人如果具備紮實的技術能力,且對產品與市場媒合度和上市有清晰概念,也有強烈的使用者成長目標,將優先取得資格。
- 補助申請人必須展示資金的明確使用方式:亦即補助金如何用於實踐提案。我們非常建議您提出清晰的宗旨和展望,並明確規劃產品的開發。
- 內容應簡要說明專案、專案目標和預期成果。
- 請詳細提供專案的說明,包括目標、方法和預期成果。內含的資訊應包括專案預計解決的問題、目標群眾,以及專案的益處。
- 請按照專案目標和活動,展示完善規劃且實際的預算。
- 請提出技術性作法相關資訊,例如將會運用的工具、技術和方法,以及任何潛在挑戰和風險。
- 開發明確且可行的行動計劃,列出達成專案目標過程中將採取的具體步驟和活動。
- 請說明專案可判斷成功與否的評審依據。內容應包含用於衡量進度與成果的指標,以及收集資料與分析結果的方法。
- 請說明提案組織是否具備能力執行專案,包含相關經驗、資格性和合夥關係。