通过结识我们的合作伙伴,快速启动您的 dApp
Zellic is a blockchain security firm solving the most critical software assurance problems. Our audits prevent business-ending hacks.

At MetaTrust, our primary focus is on creating a secure infrastructure that caters to the needs of developers in the WEB 3.0 space. We offer an array of AI-Driven automation tools and security services to assist Web3 developers and project stakeholders in achieving a secure development environment.

Verilog Solutions
Verilog Solutions is a boutique security firm delivering full-stack security services for Web3 projects

Smart contract audits, KYC, on-chain monitoring, bug bounties, penetration testing.
Three Sigma
Smart Contract Audits and Development; Other development services (tooling, Account Abstraction, etc); Economic Auditing, Simulations and Stress Testing; Tokenomics and Mechanism Design.
Audits and Pen Testing. Code Audits for Smart Contracts and Blockchain Code. Penetration Testing. Cloud Audits. Cybersecurity Product Platform. Cybersecurity Concierge.
Halborn serves as a third-party partner to continuously assess an organization’s most vital assets, drive maximum value and provide world-class cybersecurity consulting and execution every step of the way — far beyond smart contracts.
With dozens of years experience and noted achievements in the area of vulnerability analysis, operating systems, and malware defense, PeckShield offers block chain and DeFi projects monitoring service, and provides security total solutions to all blockchain users.

Help prevent real-time security hacks/exploits and other systemic risks with automated detection and reaction capabilities (post deployment). We provide more then 200+ risks detection ranging from security to compliance, market risks and other that might be relevant for their protocol for an end-to-end risk monitoring and prevention. Create custom agents, which is a rich library of templates they can monitor any on-chain activity and customize conditions/thresholds and get alerted if these are met. Expose these alerts to their community and let their users gain personalized alerts

Chain Patrol
ChainPatrol is a Real-Time Security Platform We protect Web3 communities with brand monitoring and reporting to block phishing attacks within minutes. The Security Services we can offer builders: 📚 Historical Protection of Malicious URLs Targeting Your Brand 🎯 Auto-Detection Systems to Report Malicious URLs Actively 🦾 Domain Takedowns, Reports to Hosting Providers 🌐 Browser Takedown Reports to Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, FireFox 🐦 Twitter Content Takedowns and Reports
- 1. 初步筛选: 作为选择过程的一部分,申请人将参与初步筛选电话会议,您将被要求概述项目提案,包括其目标、方法、预算、时间表和影响。
- 2. 面试: 通过初步筛选的申请人将被邀请参加我们的资助委员会面试,这是评估的第二阶段。面试将提供机会详细介绍您的项目提案,并回答可能提出的任何深入问题。
- 3. 批准: 在成功通过面试阶段并获得资助批准后,您将需要签署一份拨款协议,该协议规定了资金的条款和条件。协议内容可能包括您必须实现的预定义里程碑或可交付成果才能获取拨款。这些里程碑确保项目按计划进行,并实现其预期的目标。
- 4. 资金拨付: 随着您的项目的进展,您将与拨款团队同步协作,并对已达成的约定里程碑进行情况更新。资金的拨付将基于每个里程碑的成功完成或个别拨款协议中的任何规定方式。
- 在 ZetaChain 的 Testnet 和 Mainnet 上的 zEVM 上部署智能合约 或利用 ZetaChain 的通用消息传递功能,学习如何构建您的第一个 zEVM 智能合约。所有相关的合约部署地址都应公开发布,所有这些智能合约的代码应为开源。
- 想要利用或迁移到 ZetaChain 的现有项目以及处于构思或开发阶段的新颖项目都符合资格。
- 资助申请人必须是法人实体或个人,并同意 ZetaChain 的使用条款。
- 拨款应用于帮助 web3 开发、流动性、采用和/或意识。
- 优先考虑具有较强技术能力的资助申请人,最好对产品市场契合度和进入市场有清晰的想法,以及有雄心勃勃的用户增长目标。
- 补助金申请人必须证明资金的明确用途:如何使用补助金来创建拟议的项目。强烈鼓励明确的使命和愿景声明以及产品开发计划。
- 这应该是项目、其目标和预期成果的简短摘要。
- 提供对项目的详细描述,包括其目标、方法和预期结果。它应该包括有关项目旨在解决的问题、目标受众和项目好处的信息。
- 展示与项目目标和活动相一致的精心规划且切合实际的预算。
- 有关技术方法的信息,例如将使用的工具、技术和方法,以及任何潜在的挑战和风险。
- 制定明确且可行的行动计划,概述将采取的具体步骤和活动,以实现项目的目标。
- 项目将如何评估以确定其成功。它应该包括用于衡量进展和结果的度量标准,以及收集数据和分析结果的方法。
- 展示提案的组织机构成功执行项目的能力,包括相关经验、资格和合作伙伴关系。